4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are AP scores actually asked for?

I think I did pretty poorly on one of my AP exams. Will it hurt my chances if I don't self report this score? Do colleges even want to see this score during the application process? Also, my grade in the class is a 98, if I get a bad score will colleges disregard it in the context of my grade?

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4 answers

4 years ago

The main function of AP scores are to get college credit and this happens after. They are not really a factor in the admissions process which is why they are optional to submit. Submit the ones that help, leave the ones that don't out of your application.

4 years ago

AP scores typically aren't asked for to determine admissiblity HOWEVER a college will want AP scores for class placement purposes.

4 years ago

As far as I am concerned, I don't think that not reporting AP exam scores will affect your chances. I don't think top-tier and middle-tier colleges want to see a 1, 2, or 3 on the AP exam(s). By the way, kudos on your 98% grade in that class! Nope, colleges weigh your GPA/course load more than they weigh AP exams. However, keep in mind that admission officers may assume that the AP class you took was too easy and didn't prepare you for the AP exam. To balance your AP exam mishap, I'd recommend studying more for AP exams. I hope this helps and have a great day ahead!

4 years ago

So the only reasons AP scores impact admissions if you are on the cusp of being admitted they may look at it I'm certain at most schools freshman year grades are considered more impactful even recommendations count more even at schools that don't require them. They primarily look at the rigor of your classes based on whats available to you so AP classes are a good thing and your gpa in those classes a 98 is stellar!

If your AP test grade is a 4 or better Id say submit it if its a 3 look to see if that counts for credit at the school you are applying to if a 3 counts for credit submit it.

but to answer your final question a resounding NO even if you get a 1 on it they see a 98 they will be impressed AP scores do NOT EVER substitute for GPA.

Hope this helps!

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