3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Tough Junior Year

Good Evening Everyone,

I am currently a junior in high school and am going to finish my first semester in a month. I used to have all A’s and some B’s, but now i have almost all B’s, one C, and a couple A’s. I genuinely feel like a failure as this year has been so tough. I feel like im not doing enough to do my best but at the same time i dont have the mental power to keep going and pushing to do well. lacking motivation. I have one month to get my grades up and the grading system is so difficult this year compared to virtual learning. I also want to mention i do have a job and work twice a week which im debating either only working on a saturday or quitting. I took my SAT as well and did horrible on it. Im so discouraged and unmotivated. Can anyone please give me advice?

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@ThatOnePolyglot3 years ago

Hey @NikkiGagu. You're not a failure, okay? Junior year is hard, and coming out of virtual learning is even harder on top of that. Do what you feel will be best for your mental health long-term, whether that means quitting your job or staying after for tutoring, because you deserve to have a healthy mind and be stress-free :)

[🎤 AUTHOR]@NikkiGagu3 years ago

@ThatOnePolyglot Thank you for this advice. i’m used to pushing myself to my limits that i think i’ve over done it..

@ThatOnePolyglot3 years ago

Honestly, same. Junior year has been rough; hopefully, it'll get better soon. I'm just taking it one day at a time and am going to spend time during winter break making sure I have a plan for 2nd semester so that I don't burn out.

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

My advice for you is to take a break. Maybe you should consider cutting your work time down to Saturdays and relax. Your grades don't define you and your mental health is more important. Do something that might help you relax a little, like meditating, hanging out with friends, or playing a sport. Anything that makes you feel better. As for your SAT, don't worry, you're still a junior. You can consider taking it again in your senior year. Just set aside 10-15 minutes to rest. For school stuff, take 30 minutes to study or do your schoolwork, and then take 5 minute breaks after each 30 minute session(This will keep your brain from frying and getting tired).

As for improving your grades, I suggest asking teachers if they have any upcoming extra credit opportunities or maybe looking for some tutoring opportunities. Ask your teachers for their office hours to get extra help if you are struggling with understanding concepts.

Also, have more faith in yourself. Struggling happens and can only make you stronger. The best thing to do is to keep moving forward and take care of yourself.

3 years ago

First of all you give up when you decide to give up. There is no power in the world that can beat you. You just need to tell yourself that if you work hard for the first 25 to 30 years of life, the next 60-70 years will be party. Regarding the grades, find little time slots in which you target your particular weak subjects. Even in those subjects target particular weak areas. Try working smart. Make your study plan as efficient as possible.

Vis-a-vis the job, it totally depends on you, your needs and your requirements. No one knows you better than yourself. Only you know what you have to do with your job.

May you succeed in your pursuit.


Your well-wisher

3 years ago

How many of these classes are APs/Honors/IBs? If you are taking a substantial number of challenging courses, college won't be harsh on you.

Almost all colleges will probably never require the SAT ever again. Don't worry about it. Focus on doing well on your AP tests, because colleges see those as acceptable substitutes. Do you have to work this job for money reasons? Do you really like this job? I know from experience that trying to do well in school while working even 2 days a week can be challenging. Overall, just try to focus on the future. You can't change what already happened, but you can try to finish the year strong, and you get to start over next semester.

3 years ago

Firstly, GPA is overrated and this comes from someone who had straight A's in AP, honors, and college dual-enrollment courses. As long as you have OK grades but some good EC's and some great essay's you'll be fine. If you can get your C to a B, then you'll be fine to go with regards to your GPA. Secondly, you are a junior. You have another year and probably 6 or 7 more testing dates to do better on the SAT. Keep in mind that colleges super score so focus on the subjects you didn't do as well in.

3 years ago

Your doing amazing!!! I am also a junior but I'm taking high school and college at the same time and I'm right there with you! One thing that seems to help keep me motivated is asking myself if my dreams are worth doing the work? My answer is always yes leading my next thought to be is "then get up and do it, it's not gonna get done just laying on your desk." Another thing that has been seeming to help me is to start my day off right even if it's just making my bed and opening my blinds, just organizing my day and starting early helps me out but I'm a morning person so I don't know how well that works for others. But just remember your grades do not define you, you're an amazing person and you're not alone.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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