4 years ago
Admissions Advice

are my extracurriculars ok?

Hi during my freshman year i did the debate team for about one tournament but it didn’t seem like a good fit so i decided to not pursue it. i did theater plays in my sophomore year and in my school you get 30-35 community service hours for each play. i did 2 so that’s about 65. then junior year (this year) came and i auditioned to be in the musical and i joined model un. musicals were worth 50 community service hours and i actually participated in a model un tournament and was planning to stay a part of it until my family had to move across the country due to a personal family emergency. and i was going to try out for the play and a sports team at my new school but then covid shit all of the schools down. i am concerned bc of the move and corona my extracurriculars have been hurt. can i still get into a good college?

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@Amalia4 years ago

Of course! I also think that you can use the move to your advantage, as you can describe your growth from that situation if it impacted you negatively. Also, depending on what you want to major in and what your passion is, if your extracurriculars align with them, it will make for a great application. Don't worry! You got this!

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3 answers

4 years ago

It sounds like you are super busy. Your involvement in school activities will definitely help you in the long-run. COVID-19 affects many people, especially during the admissions process. Colleges will definitely be more lenient. Also, you can explain your situation in a section of your college applications which can also help you chances. You are going to do great! Hope this helps.

4 years ago

Of course! I also think that you can use the move to your advantage, as you can describe your growth from that situation if it impacted you negatively. Also, depending on what you want to major in and what your passion is, if your extracurriculars align with them, it will make for a great application. Don't worry! You got this!

4 years ago

Extracurriculars mostly need to show commitment and leadership. I’m gonna be a sophomore this fall, and here are mine: 150 hours of community service, 1 non-school sport, secretary of a club, and member of an out-of-school writing workshop. The key is to keep your activities all the way through senior year, so keep doing what you’re already doing. Additionally, try to become a leader of something ex- I will be my club president next year. Hope this helps!

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