Im in a Science club
Successful applicants who apply to good colleges and get admitted typically have between 5 and 10 strong ECs which show leadership, dedication, passion and accomplishment.
Having 1 EC will not do very much for you unless you are a Nobel Laureate or Olympian.
If you are a senior there is not much you can do about this in 1 months time before applications are due. However if you are a 10th or 11th grader you have some time to work on this hole in your profile.
Good luck.
I hope you are aware that extracurricular activity does not just refer to the groups and sports you participate in, but also to some of your hobbies, such as cycling, baking, and composing short stories and poems. Even if you are involve in science, it doesn't imply that you can't participate in other adventurous or creative activities. So look into your hobbies, and if you have some time left, look into some clubs to build your credibility. Good luck.
Only one extracurricular activity isn't a really strong one unless you topped the Science Olympiad or something similar. You should at least have volunteer hours. I suggest entering in 2 more clubs and have leadership positions.
If you are in any sports or have any hobbies those are EC's as well. It also depends on the college, some stress EC's while others don't so find some colleges you want to go to and then use collegevine chancing.
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