3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Not Sure if CollegeVine is the Appropriate Place to Ask


I'm a senior and I just applied to Pembroke College at Oxford University (yes, the school in the U.K.) on October 15th.

As an international student, I didn't know how to apply to the university, but I knew I wanted to study at the school. I got help on my personal statement by two teachers (one is my school counselor and the other was an Oxbridge consultant). I didn't ask my school counselor, but when I asked the Oxbridge consultant and other Oxford experts, they guaranteed that I would be shortlisted for the interviews, even though they said they can't guarantee the overall result.

To those who are not familiar with this system, we basically hear from Oxford by December about whether we are shortlisted for an interview (which is good), or we are just rejected without an interview.

Basically, yesterday, I got my result from Pembroke College, and I got a rejection letter for Biochemistry. I just urgently want to know the reason why I got rejected even before the interview. Not being accepted was disappointing, but I'm more of a reasonable person, so I like to think of ways to improve my application for other schools.

My original plan was to apply to Oxford, then the Ivy Leagues in the U.S., and then apply to 6 universities in my home country. As you can see, I have a lot more to apply to, so not being accepted to Oxford isn't the end of the world, but I've heard so many times from admission experts that I am more "fit" to apply to Oxford, then the Ivy leagues, so being rejected to Oxford kind of makes me less confident about this whole process (I wasn't very confident before, but now it's like "Oh no").

The reason why they say that I'm more of an Oxford-person is because I'm more academic. I took 7 AP exams (all good scores), will take 11-12 AP exams by the end of my senior year, 1570 SAT, a Multivariable Calculus course (that is not offered at school, so I had to take it online because I'm the only one taking this at my school).

I have two summer programs related to science, have 3 extracurricular activities (MUN, Math Club, and Violin Volunteer Service). I pioneered Math Club and the volunteer service. I don't believe these are great extracurricular activities, and also Oxford does not require any extracurricular activities to be listed on the application.

Extracurricular activities that are related to our major can be added in the personal statement, though.

For recommendation letters, they only require 1, and my math teacher was able to do that for me. He really likes me (apparently he goes around school telling people how "special" I am, which I do not agree, but I'm just writing this down to let you know that he probably wrote a good recommendation letter for me).

Likewise, the personal statement was decent, because I got help from 2 teachers, and one was an expert.

I am really unsure about why I got rejected. I wrote to Oxford, asking for feedback because that is allowed, but I have to wait a month. I am going to apply soon for other colleges, so I want advice from other people.

My guess is that the personal statement seemed "fake"? However, I read it again, and although I'm not an expert, I wrote it in a genuine way and the teachers just helped me with the grammar and things like that, and they were satisfied with the result.

I know that Oxford isn't like Ivy Leagues or other universities, and I know CollegeVine is mostly focused on schools from the U.S., but I am just really curious.

Thank you.


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1 answer

3 years ago[edited]

Hi @Yood, I don't believe anyone here can really weigh in your Pembroke rejection because 99% of CV member are not applying to Oxford colleges.

I did find a link to the Oxford stats for the Class of 21' admits by major, demographic and college so maybe there is something in there that will help you. https://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/AnnualAdmissionsStatisticalReport2021.pdf

What I do know about Oxford admit stats is that they are about 15-16% across 39 colleges. Some colleges like Merton or Christ Church are harder 11-12%. Biochemistry doesn't seem to be a particularly difficult course compared to others and I think this past year they accepted 16.4% of those who pick that.

Applying to the Ivy League will be harder than Oxford because across all 8 colleges, the avg. admit rate was 5.26% with the hardest ones being Harvard, Columbia and Princeton 3.43%, 3.66% and 3.98%. In addition applying to top elites like Stanford, Duke, MIT will be harder as well. Even say the top 10 liberal arts colleges like Swarthmore, Amherst, Williams and Pomona have admit rates between 7-8%.

Without posting your essay I would impossible to know whether your essay factored heavily in their decision to reject or not.

My recommendation to you is NOT to have any teacher help you with your common app essays or supplemental essays. That's a huge NO NO in the US. It's a huge red flag if your main essay is so polished and wordsmithed like a professional copywriter. American application readers care more about whether your essay(s) are believable that you wrote them and that they are a window into your soul. If they sense that you are being cheeky or taking short cuts like re-using essays, they may mark your file for the bin.

These days, if you get into 1 top college in the US that is a huge win, so be prepared to do a lot of hard work over the next 5-6 weeks getting your applications ready. Make sure you have some schools on your list that are realistic and achievable so if you don't get into to say the Ivys, you have somewhere to land.

Good luck.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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