3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will I get into chico state?

Hi I have been having MAJOR anxiety over not getting accepted into chico state. My weighted gpa from 10-11 grade is a 3.7 and unweighted 3.48. My sophomore year I struggled A LOT because of online learning and ended my first semester with a 3.1 (2 As, 3 Bs, and 1 C) and second semester I had a 3.2 (2 As, 2 Bs and 1 C) I got an F in geometry but it was marked as a no mark and had no effect on my gpa but then got an A in summer school. I took no APs my sophomore year. Then Junior year first semester I had a 3.4 (2 As, 2 Bs and 1 C in AP psych) and then second semester I had a 3.8 (4 As, 1 B and 1 B in Ap Psych) I also then took two community college classes over summer (which are weighted as an AP class 5.0) and got A´s in both of them, making my cumlative gpa 3.7 and 3.48 unweighted. I am taking one AP and one honers class my senior year. I also did high school soccer all 4 years and high school track 2 years and played club soccer on the highest team up until my senior year. I did pledge to hummanity my senior year and CSF club and was president and secretary of 2 clubs in high school and was apart of 3 additional clubs. I also am not submitting any test scores for the sat/act. I am a california resident but am very very worried I will not get into chico state. Please give me advice/ opinions on if I will get in!!

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@Kefe3 years ago

As I said before, this is technically not a place for chance me, but I'll give you my best guess anyways. Chico State has an acceptance rate of 90%, so it is practically a safety school for most people. Your upwards trend in your GPA is great--sure, all A's would be better, but you're doing quite well for yourself in recent years, especially for a CSU. The only issue I would have is your major, because if you're applying to a competitive major like Computer Science, the chances are going to be..

@Kefe3 years ago

lower, but only to maybe 70% and not 10%. I think you're worrying too much, you should aim even higher! Maybe apply to other schools during the regular decisions process. Good luck!

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

I'm not sure if you know this, but there's a free chancing engine on CollegeVine (under Schools) where you can put most of this information in and it will calculate your chances of getting into Chico State. It's not perfect, but it's a decent enough guess (mainly uses your GPA, extracurriculars, and test scores). You cant do "chance-me" on these community posts anyways, but good luck!

Hope that helps.

3 years ago

Looking at the data for Chico, I think you'll be fine, your clubs look good, and your GPA is pretty decent for that school. Remember, technically you aren't allowed to ask chance-me questions.

Still, I wish you good luck!

3 years ago

Probably not.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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