3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What were your percent chances for top schools?

My % chance for Brown is 28 while Cornell is 37. Is this low? For reach schools like these, what should we be aiming for?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Anything above 25% is a great chancing number because remember that average acceptance rate at all 8 Ivy's is 5.26% or 5 times less.

Although I already got accepted into a top Ivy last year, I still keep my profile up just for curiosity to see if rates have changed much. Last year all chancing numbers were quoted in ranges. I had about 35-44% for most hard Ivys and 40-49 for Cornell/Dartmouth. This year my numbers look like low to mid 30s for the hard Ivys and about 45 for Cornell Dartmouth.

If you are a senior or even a junior, there isn't much you can do GPA wise, course rigor wise or ECs to get your chancing number up 10%. But you can work on things like making your essays and short answer stand out, and try to curate the best possible recommendations. Also if the school has a 2 minute optional video like Brown does, make sure it's perfect. You don't want to film that with a phone camera and poor lighting.

Hope that is helpful.

3 years ago

My chances for these two schools are both 10% I am still a Sophomore. I think these are pretty good reach schools not impossible to get in but not a huge chance. Good luck!

3 years ago

No, not at all! This website only factors in raw stats, and other factors such as essays and rec letters are very important. Also, remember that Ivies will look more at your extracurriculars for leadership positions and other important roles. Those are great chancing numbers, and I would say a 20-25% on an ivy/selective school is a good base chancing number. You are doing really well!

3 years ago

I am pretty sure that those chances are very strong. I have similar chances (31 for Brown, 34 for Cornell). I have heard that aiming for at least 20% for reach schools is ideal, but this may be wrong.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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