My current chances for UVA are 59%, but I am also a legacy applicant at the school. How could I calculate my chances for admission at UVA as a legacy?
Since legacies have a 2+ times admissions rate 32.5% vs 15.4% at UVA, your 59% would most likely translates in the "dude, its a sure thing" or 99.9%
Time to pick some other schools if you don't want to take that offer.
Good luck.
None of the chances you predict are accurate. It's your actual profile that does the thing. You can't simply get in while being a legacy. You have to have a certain criteria that fits you into the well rounded class of the school.
I don't think they have that option on here but they do have tips and tricks to use on your application and how important legacy is: https://blog.collegevine.com/when-and-where-to-identify-that-youre-a-legacy-student-in-the-application-process/
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