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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I improve my extracurriculars?

I'm a sophomore, and I plan on applying to Harvard. I have a good academic profile, but I need more extracurriculars. What could I take on that would up my chances? I plan on joining art club this year, and maybe go back into drama. I also plan on going into NHS and taking up violin again. Will these be enough?

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@Texas3 years ago

There are also political opportunities available such as opening a chapter of an organization like Turning Point USA or Young Democrats to name a few. By starting these organizations you show that you want to help your community as well as take on leadership.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

That sounds great and I hope you achieve your dream. I am currently a junior and plan on applying to Yale, as long as you have stellar test scores and GPA move on from academics and for your curriculars do something to stand out. (NHS a lot of people have) Some things I suggest doing is instead of joining an art club, start your own art club that has a role in your school and community (Average Harvard student has 1-2 leadership positions in high school.) I would say to pick 3 things and do something unusual (I pick humanitarian like gardening and selling to local farmers markets, philanthropy, and something pertaining to what you want your major to be, I am doing medical so I do research for psychology and neuroscience topics through Yale.) However, it is all up to the individual and as long as you stand out in your writing I have no doubt you will be able to get in.

3 years ago

you can find some good extracurriculars on roundpier

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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