2 years ago
Admissions Advice

is it bad to mention my personal information in essay

if i have to write an essay about myself and my hobby can i mention some personal information like the name of my youtube channel .

do that kind of information is bad for the admission? i think i should use the name of my youtube channel because if they feel that i just advertising my channel.do they think negatively when they read my essay


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Generally, when referring to bad things to mention talking about others more than yourself and only mentioning a struggle but not how you overcame it are at the top. In your case it seems like you could probably write a great essay without mentioning the name of the channel. Unless you have a lot of extra space for words or the name has a special meaning I wouldn't mention it.

I think the first one is self-explanatory, it wouldn't help you if you wrote more about someone else rather than yourself as it wouldn't tell them enough about you. This can be tricky though if you talk about how someone sparked a realization or you are talking about why you admire someone.

The second one can also be tricky since in school we usually learn to be descriptive. I was given the guideline of 30% descriptive language and 70% details. This would translate into focusing on the outcome and how you got there rather than the setback you faced. Just mentioning what the struggle was won't tell them anything about your character so be careful there.

2 years ago

The name of the youtube channel might be irrelevant in the personal essay, as they want to know more about your story but you might talk in detail about how you brought the subscribers and how did you grow your youtube audience.

2 years ago

I wouldn't necessary say the name but some admissions officers go more in depth and would look into your channel. Really it just depends on what you are trying to show in your essay whether its how you feel about that subject or something else.

2 years ago

Just as the other commenter stated, I don't think mentioning such personal information would be necessary. If you made any milestones with the YouTube channel, such as hitting a certain amount of subscribers, that's worth mentioning! However, the name itself is something that isn't really a part of the story. They want to know the importance of your hobby to you, not specifics like that. Hope this helps! :)

2 years ago

I think mentioning it may be good as it will make your essay seem more personal.

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