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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I applied with my test scores

Hi. I wish I found this site sooner - but I already applied to my schools and I did not apply test optional.

Now I have found this site and all my top choices say I should apply test optional. It’s too late for me to change it. So what I’m trying to figure out is how “off” the chance calculations are for my listed schools.

I am a pretty good (by no means great) student. I’ve taken 2AP and 4 or 5 honors courses and have all A and B so I’m good but not at the level of so many others.

I have a 3.6 (unweighted) and 1100 SAT. I have EC (theater, a capella) and community service including being a founding member and the public relations officer of my school’s GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) and the content manager and youth ambassador for our county PRIDE event.

Demographics wise- I am a white, cis-gender gay male- so I am not an URM student.

I want to study Psychology- My TOP school is Ohio State, followed by Temple, Rutgers, UMASS Amherst and UDEL and Virginia Tech. have Montclair and Towson as safety schools.

Now that I see I should have applied test optional and I didn’t….. is that going to really change the chancing outcome? I don’t see a way to set it in the tool itself.

Thanks so much!!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi @Eab12358,

If you have a strong SAT score, and a strong GPA, and the chancing engine is still giving you "target" or "safety" labels for your prospective schools, you should be in the clear!

Your concern is valid - college admissions is confusing and stressful, but I wouldn't worry about this too much :)

Hope this helps and best of luck in your admissions journey!

3 years ago

If you click the "see why" button on the chancing simulator, you will see the differences in your predicted chances for applying test optional, with the SAT, and with the ACT. I don't think the difference will be huge (4-5% at the most). I don't think that your SAT will make or break your application. Don't worry about it. You have a good GPA, advanced classes, and great extracurriculars.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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