3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Admission related.

Is it possible to get into ivy league as a test optional international student with multiple B's in 9th and 10th but with good grades in 11th and 12th (Include stellar LOR's, multiple national level participations, leadership roles and good essays)???


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

The probabilities of getting into an Ivy League college as a test optional Int'l Student with multiple Bs is way less than the average admit rate of 5.26% over the 8 competing colleges. Dartmouth is not even the hardest Ivy to get into perhaps one the easiest and their former admissions officers have said their Int'l admit rate is about 2%. And mind you these are from Int'l applicants who have near perfect grades and test scores.

I would say you have a 1% chance or less if you are applying with a GPA full of B grades and no test scores.

My answer isn't to kibosh your Ivy dreams but to say if you are going to apply to the Ivys, then at least submit a high 99% percentile test score and do some other things to prop up your course rigor to offset those Bs on your transcript. I don't know if you have any time left to take any college courses or if you are applying right now for the 1/1/2022 deadline.

If, the later, I would reconsider spending the $550 in application fees to apply to the 8 Ivys and opt for other excellent choices where you have a better chance of getting in.

If you have used the CollegeVine chancing profile, you will know from your inputs what your chances are. You really shouldn't be picking schools that are in the 1-10% ranges and your target schools but try to find some schools that give you more of a 25-40% range.

I apologize if I have not written something positive that you want to hear but there is no reason set your goals so high that failure is the only option. There are 4300 4-year colleges in the US and at least 200 of will give you an excellent world class education.

Sure, Harvard and Yale are like luxury brands like Rolex, LV, Ferrari, but if you simply want a world class watch you buy an Omega, if you want a superior luggage you can get a set of Rimowa or Delsey, and if you want a great car, you can get a Lexus.

The same works for colleges, where you go to undergrad doesn't define you. If you go to Washington University in Seattle, you'll still get a world class education. You can still go on to a great grad school from there. In High School there is no do-over unless you stay behind and repeat another grade or two. The "do-over" is accepting that you will have to work hard and prove yourself at non-Ivy, non-Elite, non-Top Liberal Arts College and show grad schools that in spite of where you ended up, you deserve a spot at Yale Law School, Stanford Medical School or Columbia Business School.

When there is a over-crowding at the Ivys because every thinks they have a shot to get in test optional, that just creates unnecessary hype for the school and takes away the clout from other less popular choices. Last year 401,000 students applied to Ivys for 14,000 seats. And I fully expect that at least as many or more will apply this year.

Good luck and revise your college list so you have some good schools to land into if you get accepted.

3 years ago

I'm assuming it's too late to take the SAT/ACT for you (now that you're in 12th grade applying to colleges) and that you never took the SAT or ACT. I don't think being test optional will negatively affect your application too much. What's most important, in your case, is that you show colleges that you can handle academic rigor. You can do this with your upward trend in grades, LORs from teachers, and your course rigor. I think you have a shot, as long as you prove that your extracurriculars are meaningful and show passion. Good luck!

3 years ago

I would wager that if you apply without a test score you would be considered later than those with scores because it is a top score. You might get in but you would have better chances if you took the SAT or ACT.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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