4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do I need to take advanced STEM classes to get into a selective program?

I'm in 9th grade and I have a 4.4 GPA (3.6 unweighted) so far. I took all honors courses except for biology and math. If I am applying as an English major, do the sciences and math matter? I got A+'s in the regular classes, so does that indicate that I could be expanding my horizons?

Tldr: Does it matter for an English major to take advanced STEM classes? Is my GPA high enough?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

i would say its a bit more complicated but I would say generally say yes though it also depends on how selective you think selective is. For example going to Harvard will require STEM courses as a near certainty but Truman St (a public liberal arts school) in Missouri will recommend them and you also have to meet the minimal x years of y type classes. For most public universities I have looked at they require 3 years of Science and Math and 3-4 years of English. I do not like chemistry at all so I did not take AP Chem despite how it would look on my transcript as I would not like it But I am registered in AP Stats as someone who wants to be an engineer.

Congrats on getting ahead of the search!

TLDR; Depends on selectivity through advanced classes like AP for STEM classes are not needed for English for an average public liberal arts school through schools like Grinnell will probably want them.

Hope this helps

4 years ago

i would say its a bit more complicated but I would say generally say yes though it also depends on how selective you think selective is. For example going to Harvard will require STEM courses as a near certainty but Truman St (a public liberal arts school) in Missouri will recommend them and you also have to meet the minimal x years of y type classes. For most public universities I have looked at they require 3 years of Science and Math and 3-4 years of English. I do not like chemistry at all so I did not take AP Chem despite how it would look on my transcript as I would not like it But I am registered in AP Stats as someone who wants to be an engineer.

Congrats on getting ahead of the search!

TLDR; Depends on selectivity through advanced classes like AP for STEM classes are not needed for English for an average public liberal arts school through schools like Grinnell will probably want them.

Hope this helps

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