The deadline for merit scholarships was December 1st for Claremont Mckenna, and I turned in my application on time but my counselor didn't add all the required info. I know they can turn things in later, but I read that the application isn't considered done until all the info is there. Will I still be considered for merit scholarships if the info isn't there? I've already emailed him about it, and I'm hesitant to do so again because I think he doesn't like me much and I worry if I bother him more he'll mess up my chances of getting into college.
Hi, thank you for asking your question. Sorry that this situation is happening, but I am glad you are taking initiative. There is generally a 1 week grace period on applications materials (that are NOT required from your end, i.e. transcripts, standardized test score reports, letters of recommendation). That period has elapsed, so I would reach out to the college admissions office and see if you are still eligible, hopefully if you are in-time you should be fine. I would also recommend emailing your guidance counselor again, just in case, usually it works to give them the benefit of the doubt, they may have submitted everything, but just haven't had the time to email you back given the many senior students they are working with.
Hopefully everything works out! All the best.
That is a tough situation I would just wait a little longer so you can give him a chance to put in his feedback. If he waits longer then you should email him again. Just make sure you are really nice in your email and maybe add in a few compliments so that he is more likely to put in his response.
I don't know whether or not you'd still be eligible for it. I have this same problem with my counselor this year. My real one was out 95% of the time and just got back, she was there every once and a while but she was out due to a baby and surgery. So I've had two different ones this year.
I would suggest following up and making sure that they know that you still need and you're on a deadline, preferably go in person or arrange for a meeting. It'll at least show that you're committed if nothing else
hope this helps
I would've emphasized to your counselor that it had to be turned in Dec 1st. I would contact the school to see if you are still eligible, but most likely the answer will be no
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