Hi, I'm a junior from Ethiopia. There are no IP and ib classes here. So will this affect my application process??
As UrielWis said honors classes are very useful, but there should be an additional information section in the college app application. Be sure to take advantage of it, not just to describe Ap and IV class availability, but anything else you'd like to mention. Be sure not to make it another college essay though! Furthermore, if you can show high dedication to just a few courses and high SAT scores, you shouldn't worry.
Nope! They judge your transcript based on what classes you had available to you. If there are any classes considered harder at your school or you can take some classes online, do it! Especially if you had to really work to take harder classes, this will assist you in the app process more than standard APs at an American HS
If there are no AP or IB classes, then you should stick with honors. This won't necessarily affect your application process as I'm sure that colleges will understand that couldn't take classes that don't exist. To make up for this, you should take as many honor courses as you can and do well in extracurriculars. To do well in extracurriculars, you should join a few clubs your interested in and get leadership positions in one or two. Winning regional and national competitions will also help your application process.
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