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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What is the best way to not stress over ED decisions?

What is the best way to not stress over ED decisions?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

The fact of the matter is that If you are asking this a day or two before the results, your decision has already likely been finalized. My tips are to sit back, take the day off and keep your brain busy doing something you love, like drawing or taking a walk than thinking of decisions.

2 years ago

The new elite Hartland II Villas complex is a premium project being developed by Sobha in Sobha Hartland, Dubai. When the complex is put into operation, there will be numerous public spaces. A key element of the new community will be a blue lagoon with a beach area surrounded by green parks and gardens.

The developer pays special attention to landscaping. Green plants near private villas not only creates an atmosphere of quiet suburban life, but also protects from the sun and creates a comfortable microclimate.

Hartland II Villas includes 2 clusters with villas and 1 cluster with exclusive mansions. There will be 95 5-bedroom villas, 16 6-bedroom houses and 11 mansions with private plots.

The key feature of the villa layouts in Hartland II Villas is the most spacious living spaces. In the houses, each bedroom is equipped with a separate dressing room and bathroom, and on the large roof terrace, you can create additional places to relax or a children’s playground.

Each villa has a fenced house plot with a garden, an outdoor swimming pool and covered parking for 3 cars.

2 years ago

Your future begins in Elite Downtown!

Elite Downtown is a premium residential project situated right in Downtown Dubai, the core of Dubai. The majestic 29-storey building includes 400 luxurious residences. This complex offers world-class amenities providing the residents a very high level of comfort.

Residences ranging from 39 m² to 163 m² are available in one- to three-bedroom configurations with exclusive finishes. Each housing unit comes with a balcony, panoramic windows, furniture, and household appliances.

In Elite Downtown, the starting housing price is AED 952,941 (USD 259,444).

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