3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is Dual Enrollment better than taking AP classes?

I am a junior and I am planning to take a total of 4 dual enrollment classes at my local community college (2 in junior and 2 in senior year). Will this look good on college applications or will I still have to take some AP classes?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Hi @ava_25! Both dual enrollment classes and AP classes will look great on your college apps! Like @CameronBameron said, AP classes can be compared across all students because there is a standardized curriculum and exam. With dual enrollment classes, the comparison isn't as simple because different community colleges will have different rigors. That being said, challenging yourself by taking an AP or dual enrollment class will indicate to admissions committee members that you are capable of handling more complex classes, so they will both look really good on your apps. In addition to the dual enrollment classes you are taking, try to take a couple of AP classes as well (depending on how many are offered at your school).

Hope that helps!

3 years ago

You always want to exhaust the most challenging set of APs or IBs your HS has to offer. So if your school offers 20 APs then your goal should be to take 10 of them if you are a high achiever and maybe 5-8 if you are in the Top 25% of your school.

If you your schools offers limited APs or IBs, then opt for DE or Online college classes to make up the course rigor.

Why colleges like to see more APs or IBs if because the coursework is standardized as well as the tests. They can compare 1 kid from Wyoming with 1 kid from Oregon much easier than if they both took DE classes in different subjects at different community colleges. The weight of the AP in my mind is broken down as the following. Getting an A in a weighted AP is worth much more than getting a 5 on the exam in May. Some think it's equal but I think it's like 2/3rds - 3/4s showing you can do the work in class and complete the assignments and 1/3 -1/4 getting the 5 on the exam. After all the exam is only a couple hours compared to the hundreds of hours you have to dedicate to the Class/Homework.

Good luck.

3 years ago

From what I know, an AP class is worth about 2 CC classes. So taking 4 dual enrollment classes on the side over 2 years is fine, but you should still try to take some APs at your high school. It also depends on what the subjects the DE classes are, and how many credits they are.

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