4 years ago
Admissions Advice


I'm a junior at high school and I'm planning on majoring in Economics. I am targeting the most competitive colleges (Ivy League, Stanford, UChicago, Amherst) and have a strong academic profile. However I would like some suggestions on what extracurriculars activities I can do.

@inkdrinker4 years ago

Your extracurriculars should be things you're passionate about. If economics is one of those things, that might be a good place to focus your extracurricular achievement -- to spike, as Collegevine often puts it. Economics-related extracurriculars could include competitive clubs such as FBLA or DECA, but could also include related activities such as Model UN or debate. It also might be good to branch out and try to create a nonprofit or your own business if you have the resources to do so.

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2 answers

4 years ago

Your extracurriculars should be things you're passionate about. If economics is one of those things, that might be a good place to focus your extracurricular achievement -- to spike, as Collegevine often puts it. Economics-related extracurriculars could include competitive clubs such as FBLA or DECA, but could also include related activities such as Model UN or debate. It also might be good to branch out and try to create a nonprofit or your own business if you have the resources to do so.

You can also do extracurriculars unrelated to your interest in economics; join clubs at your school, play an instrument, or engage in art or sports, for example. It might be harder to do so during quarantine, but now might also be a good time to take initiative within your school clubs! If you're aiming for high-ranking schools, you want to have good standing in your extracurricular activities, which might mean winning awards or being the leader of a club.

4 years ago

@inkdrinker had great suggestions. The best way is to link economics with the extracurriculars to do in order to show colleges you have a common theme. Remember to be unique and authentic in your activities, and quality of the work is always more important than the quantity. This will get you in the right path in economics since you already have a strong academic profile as well.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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