Which college has the lowest acceptance rate?
The lowest acceptance rates for the class of 2025 Top 20 schools were the following:
Harvard - 3.43%
Columbia - 3.66%
Princeton - 3.98%
MIT - 4.01%
Stanford - 4.32%
Yale -4.62%
Brown - 5.45%
UPenn - 5.68%
Duke - 5.7%
Dartmouth - 6.17%
CalTech -6.4%
UChicago 6.5%
Vanderbilt - 6.7%
NorthWestern 6.8%
JHU - 7.4%
Swarthmore, Williams, Amherst, Pomona- 8.0%
Cornell -8.7%
Bowdoin - 8.8%
According to US News they have reported these universities as being the top 5 universities being the most selective in their process:
Curtis Institute of Music 4%
Harvard University 5%
Stanford University. 5%
Columbia University. 6%
Princeton University. 6%
Understand that US News have actually reported on the Top 100 Universities but for space sake I've only provided the top 5 university information.
According to niche, Stanford has the lowest acceptance rate and is, therefore, the hardest to get into, but remember, the acceptance rate is not the same as acceptance chance, that all depends on you.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
US news data like all other list aggregators use data that is at least 1 year old, sometimes 2 years old. The only good data is from current College press releases and their official communications. Even CV data is 2 cycles old.