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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are my stats and EC good enough for a prestigious college?

I’m a junior in high school right now and I want to go to Duke, or something to that level. Duke is very very competitive so if anyone can give me advice or info based on my stats that would be much appreciated! It’s causing me a lot of stress feeling that I haven’t done enough. I am a legacy of Duke bc my mom went there.

My academics are basic. I have a 4.16 gpa right now, but my overall as of now (end of first semester of junior year) is a 4.00 because of the one B I received in chemistry last year. For APs, by the end of senior year, I would have taken all except for 1/2 of a year possible for my school, which is around 4.5/12 ish total offered at my school. (I switched into an AP this year, so it’s .5) my school only has 5 academic periods and APs aren’t available until junior year, and most are extracurriculars and not standard English and History, so a majority is only available as a senior.

I didn’t have access to the PSAT because of my school district, but am planning on taking the SAT.

I have been dancing since 3rd grade, and now do about 25 hours a week, and have been doing 25 hours per week since freshman year. (Before was less just because I was in a lower level).

My school is a public arts high school, which I attended for dance. 10/25 hrs a week comes for, the 2 hours of “art block” I do at school every day. Every summer since 2018 I have attended a dance summer intensive for 3+ weeks

I am a part of environmental club, and have been since freshman year (and middle school), and was a core member last year. (I can’t anymore bc of my dance schedule)

I have been part of an all girls charity and leadership organization since 6th grade, where every year, 15 hours of philanthropy, 10 hours of meetings, and 15 hours of league are required.

At the end of last year, I took over my sisters “project”, donating period products to homeless shelters, where I fundraise or ask for donations of products, and put together kits to give away.

I feel that I am doing so much everyday, as I am doing how, at school, or dancing from 8am to 9pm everyday, but I still feel like I don’t have even a chance at prestigious schools.

Thank you so much any feedback is very much appreciated!

Ps. I also go to therapy weekly haha

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

As a student athlete, I feel for you. It always seems like we have so much to do and not enough time to do it. However, from your description, it seems to me like you are a very passionate and caring person. I know that colleges like Duke have interviews (not sure if it’s required for admissions) but I highly recommend that you attend one. At the interviews, the admissions officers can get to know you a little bit better. I think that at the interview they would be interested to know about your personal character and the leadership/ volunteering projects you were a part of. You can show them why you feel that the work you have put into yourself and community makes you a good candidate. Interviews also serve as a chance to ask some of your own questions, if you have any, as it shows that you are willing to put in a little extra care into the school by attending. Also, I wouldn’t worry too much about not having enough AP credits. Usually schools take into consideration individual situations when making decisions (holistic review). Having decided to also take the SAT doesn’t seem like a bad idea either. To me, you seem dedicated and willing to put in hard work ( 25 hours a week of dance!) so I think you should continue to work hard. Believe in yourself - when you apply, show through your writing that even though you didn’t get the opportunity at your school to do more college prep classes, you are a hard worker and colleges should want you for it. That being said, make sure to also take some time during the week for yourself because school and extracurriculars can be stressful. You can’t be your best self if you are constantly worrying if what you are doing is enough.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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