I'm a homeschooled international student in sophomore year, based in LS.
Hi @Hamah_06! I agree with @emmyolive. The best way to get an answer would be to reach out to CollegeBoard directly through the email contact form that @emmyolive listed below. If you ultimately cannot take the exams, you can put down in the "Additional Information" section on the Common App that you self studied for these exams but never had the opportunity to take them because of geographic constraints. Hope that helps!
There are so very few members on here from LESOTHO that I think the best thing you can do is try to contact CollegeBoard directly. Maybe you can travel to a neighboring country and take it there in May.
AP: For Students and Parents
Contact Form
Email Contact Form https://collegeboard.tfaforms.net/193
AP Services for Students Hours: M-F, 9 am - 6 pm ET
AP Services for Students Hours: M-F, 9 am - 6 pm ET
Good luck.
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