3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I maximize my chances of getting into a us college?

I am (in) Ghana(ian) and want to go to Berea College or any college that offers full scholarships like Havard, MIT, etc. I am in grade 11 and I have a 3.4 GPA. I have been awarded best student of the year every year since grade 7. My GPA dropped from 4.0 this year due to some effects of the pandemic on my family. I self-study Latin, Greek, Spanish, French on Duolingo. I read books written in these languages. I organized a tutoring program in junior high because my school was underprivileged and didn't have maths, science, and religious studies teachers so I tutored my classmates after school with supervision from the assistant headmaster and I continue this in senior high although we have all the teachers. I just help with topics people do not understand. I learn courses such as biochemistry, microbiology on free platforms like edx, mitocw, etc. I have no certificates because I cannot afford even one. I have started a chapter of the international neuroscience youth association today but I have no members and I have applied for a mentorship. I am a peer counselor, quiz team, French, SU, school, and class prez. My school does not have any other ECS, APs, or anything. I have tried applying for research internships but I cannot afford them in the USA and there are none in Ghana or any volunteering opportunities. Any advice?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey! I might be perfect to answer this for you since I attend Berea College as a first-year (c/o 2025). Though I can’t offer the greatest advice for Ivy and Ivy+ schools, such as Harvard and MIT.

For Berea specifically, I’m sure you have heard of the “no-tuition” promise, as well as other attributes and resources for a liberal arts education at the small college. Moreover, the institution is definitely open to International applicants as it boasts a large student body of diverse individuals. Personally, I also have an international friend who is interested in neuroscience from Albania—we are premed students. I am from the US, so the process was a little different for me.

For Harvard, MIT, and schools of the like, I can only suggest to apply with everything you have to offer and cross your fingers, as those schools have gotten more and more competitive over the years (I applied to Duke last applicant cycle in RD, but was rejected an offer; hence I matriculated at Berea C.).

In general, the applicant stats you have to offer look great! I would attempt to offer explanation for the gpa alteration in an additional information section of an application, but make sure it’s a unique reason and not simply the pandemic itself (adcoms already know this is going to affect people). Also, the fact that your are taking initiative to self learn particular things is also beneficial since it expresses student effort and dedication.

Hope this helps and goodluck!

3 years ago

First of all--

Berea College is a lot easier to get into than Harvard or MIT (2 of the most competitive schools in the US).

I definitely think you should focus on raising you GPA, because 3.4 is a little low for most top schools. It might be possible for you to find an online internship with a US company/college in neuroscience or microbiology. Right now, your ECS seem all over the place, and I think you could benefit from focusing more on 1 or 2 academic interests. Your stats look great but remember that international student admissions are frequently very competitive. I would say what you have right now would definitely get you a full scholarship to some colleges like Berea or Babson, but if you really want to go to a really prestigious US school, you should try to focus on just a few ECS and academic interest and go deeper with those.

That's just my opinion though

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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