4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to calculate gpa in the indian icse board sytem?

I am studying in India in the 10th grade. I wanted to calculate my gpa but i am getting confused by credit hours and all other stuff. I am unable to find a way to calculate my gpa. Does anyone out there know a way to calculate gpa for the indian icse system for class 9th and ahead? If so please help me.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

So "credit hours" roughly corresponds to how much time a course meets for or requires—for example, a course that meets for 40 minutes a day would be worth 1/2 of the credit hours of a course that meets for 80 minutes a day. If all of your classes meet for the same amount of time, then you can just say they all take the same amount of credits (because GPA is an average, the actual number you use doesn't matter, just the ratio from class to class).

Beyond that, you can calculate GPA by taking letter grades—if you receive those—assigning them their corresponding value on a GPA scale, and averaging those numbers. These are those values on a 4.0 scale (the standard)

A+ = 4.3

A= 4.0

A- = 3.7

B+ = 3.3

B = 3.0

And so on. A C is a 2.0, D is 1.0, and F is a 0.0. The + or - grades are each a third of the way between. An A+ is a 4.3 on a 4.0 scale because only some schools even award A+s, and so it's higher than the "maximum" of this scale.

So roughly, what you should do is assign each of your final grades a value and then average them, and that should give you a rough approximation of your GPA.

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