2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Help with the Bryn Mawr Supplement

Is there anyone here who has already done the Bryn Mawr Supplement Essay or is a Bryn Mawr Student? I'm having some trouble with understanding what the question is asking. It says "As you prepare to join a new college community, reflect on your role as a community member throughout the past four years. What legacy do you hope to leave behind?"

I haven't exactly been a prominent leader in my school community. I've participated in many clubs/extracurriculars, but I haven't had a very significant role in them. I've also made sure to really try and make connections with my teachers and get to know them, but I don't know if this counts as some sort of "legacy" that I have left behind. In my community in general, I have always tried to be kind and helpful to anyone who needs it, but I don't know how to translate this into a specific "legacy." If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, no matter how small, then please let me know.

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2 years ago

This is a 2 part question. As you have already pointed out you need to reflect on your past community engagement over the past 4 years. Part B. Which you missed is the more important part about how your past and present engagement will model and frame your future community engagement at Bryn Mawr and what you hope your work will leave behind.

So you might want to be precise in sharing that you are haven't really gone outside your HS into your city to do civic engagement or volunteerism with various community boards or organizations. You should explain why you haven't done that. Perhaps it was COVID-19 or you weren't ready to do that kind of service. More importantly is what do you hope to do beside study, eat and sleep at Bryn Mawr for 4 years?

Perhaps you have more concrete ideas? Do you want to get involved in pro-womens groups? Pro-Asian equity groups? Be more politically engaged?

The question Bryn Mawr is asking directly is "how do you fit into our culture of strong, independent, women who use their voice to improve the world around them?"

The school motto is ‘veritatem dilexi,’ ‘I have chosen truth, or "I delight in the truth".

In 2019, Bryn Mawr updated it's mission statement. The first line is


March 2019

Bryn Mawr College educates students to the highest standard of excellence to prepare them for lives of purpose.

So all roads lead back to how do you fit into this coda of participating in this culture of getting educated for the purpose of applying yourself toward something meaningful? What does that mean to you?

Hope this help you figure out what to write.

🎤2 years ago

This helps A LOT. Thank you so much! :)

2 years ago

You are most welcome. Good luck!!!


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