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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are good extracurriculars for students who want to go into elementary education?

I'm a sophomore who's planning on pursuing a major in either early childhood ed or elementary ed and I want to find extracurriculars to strengthen my resume. I'm involved in tutoring, I'm a camp counselor during the summer, and I also work at a theatre company and help out with the youth productions. Besides these what else would look good on an application?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago


The first thing that came to mind, was tutoring, but as you already have it, more unique extracurriculars orientated to this major can be an internship at a local elementary school. Getting an internship is not as hard as some belief, you just have to look for them, for instance, try reaching out to a local school and offer them help.

Another extracurricular can be being a member of a foundation related to kids, such as foundations helping low-funded schools, etc.

Regardless, I believe that the 2 extracurriculars you mentioned were great and very useful for that major!

Best of luck!

3 years ago

Hi there @jules15,

Other users gave great answers, but I wanted to add the following article for you to look through for more ideas:

The section titled 'High School' has good ideas like shadowing a teacher, Girl Scouts, volunteering for community groups like Girls Who Code, babysitting, and more.

There's also a bunch of additional tips on navigating this career path. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

If you stick with the activities and take on more of a leadership position within them, those sound great! I'm a senior who is finishing up all of my submissions, and one thing I know is that while you should have some extracirriculars relating to the field of the major you're applying to, colleges are more so just looking for a kid with passion and drive, who excells at a particular activity. For specific advice, maybe try and direct a youth production at the Theater Company (or something like that, I'm not sure what leadership oppurtunities are available there), and since you're still in the 10th grade, you could found a club at your school that provides services (reading picture books, etc.) at local elementary schools or maybe hospitals. Honestly, you could just form a Baby Sitters Club with you and your friends and that would look good. All these things would make your application stand out, but a college isn't going to not consider you just because you're extracirriculars aren't specified to the major you're applying to :) Good luck!

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