2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extra curriculars/activities look good?

Hi, I'm a high school Junior and my extra curricular/ community service consist of being involved in my church as a Sunday School Servant and a Scout member. I am unable to join a sport but I do have hobbies such as reading and crafting. Would that be considered enough for extra curriculars/activities, or would I still need more?

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3 answers

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2 years ago

Like the other person said, it depends on where you are planning on applying for college. Here are my suggestions if you want more extracurriculars: look into any school clubs related to your hobbies, such as a literary magazine, reading/book club, or art club. It is a bit late to try a more rigorous activity or competition like DECA (business comp). If you're ambitious enough, you might be able to start a small business selling your crafts - create a website or Instagram page, advertise through word of mouth, maybe people at your school or locally will buy some. Consider applying for subject-specific honors societies depending on your grades/if you qualify, you might only have to fill out the applications and make payments since you already have community service. For example, I am in English NHS, French, and applying for Social Studies. I see these as your last shot at strengthening your extracurriculars, besides possibly applying for some summer program.

2 years ago

Hello, the best thing I would recommend is trying to find leadership positions in your extracurriculars you already have. For example at your church you could help out with leading some activities for the youth at your church or in scouts you could find a leadership position in that activity as well. That in my opinion is the best way to strengthen the extracurriculars you already have. Now just as some other responses have said you should consider joining a dedicated extracurricular in a certain subject area. For example, say you wanted to go into something like engineering or manufacturing, it would be a good idea to join something like Skills USA, TSA, or a Robotics club if your school offers those. In your case find an activity you could join that is related to what you potentially want to do later in college and as a career. Some more examples could be DECA and FBLA for business interests, HOSA for medical interests, or FCCLA for Family and Consumer Science interest. The point is to show that you have dedicated interest in something. That is the best way I think that you can strengthen your list. Also don't necessarily think it is too late for this type of stuff. The best way you can make up for that lost time is to dedicate yourself now and really show passion in an area. Down the line you might be able to talk about this experience later in an essay or get a recommendation letter from the sponsoring teacher of the extracurriculars if you work really hard now. Overall best of luck to you!!

2 years ago

It really really depends where you are trying to go. For the top schools, you're going to need a whole lot more than that, as well as great academics and recommendations. But for an average-semi competitive school and especially a religious one (they tend to value Scouts as well), your current extracurriculars are decent. I would also like to note that hobbies don't really count that much unless you have some tangible success with it (something big you created, maybe a business or impact on community, etc). Good luck!

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