3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I write the UChicago essays in a day?

I have a good idea about what I want to write but haven't started writing them at all since I was busy with other applications.

@BorisS3 years ago

Did you get in?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Now that it is January 3 and you have 1 day to complete your UChicago application, it's kind of futile to ask the question you posed since you don't have a choice. It's now a binary decision. If you spend the next day writing your UChicago essays and don't do a good job, submitting them may be "hail Mary touchdown pass" at best. If you are successful in completing the task and you feel it's your best work, then submit them and hope for the best.

For 10th and 11th graders reading this post, I highly recommend that you do not find yourself in this position when you apply to UChicago. UChicago essays are notoriously complicated and require a lot of time writing drafts, re-writes and editing. Collegevine budgets the most time for the UChicago app because of the supplemental essays specifically. You want to have your pre-final UChicago draft done about 3-4 weeks before the due date so you can asks your friends, family, mentors to give it a once over and have enough time to tweak them properly so it reflects your best writing.

@manaalt100 good luck on your UChicago application!

3 years ago

I mean, you can certainly try. If you don't have much else to do, like other urgent deadlines, you don't really have much to lose by trying. Honestly, the best advice I could give is to try and recycle pieces of other essays as much as you can, but this is UChicago we're talking about, and their prompts are- weird. They do only require two essays though, right? That's doable. Especially if you already have ideas for all of them. Put some movie soundtrack music on, or maybe some classical music, and go for it. I suggest "This playlist will make you feel like a 19th century villain" on Youtube lol. But seriously, just start writing. Go with the flow and then worry about editing later, the hardest part is to get words on the paper

3 years ago

Hi @manaalt100!

We'd always recommend starting your essays as early as possible — at least two weeks before the deadline. If you want to write a strong application essay (especially one as difficult as UChicago), you'll need time to explore various approaches, test different anecdotes, and polish the final product. It may be possible to have an essay written within a day, but that essay will effectively be a first draft — it won't reflect your best work as a writer, and it'll put you at a disadvantage against other applicants with more finalized essays.

Now, given the date of this post, it sounds like you don't have much choice in the matter. At that point you should consider how much you want to apply to UChicago and whether the costs (time, stress, application fee) are worth it to you in light of your other applications.

Best of luck.

3 years ago

Yes, they accept any topic. Write about writing an essay in a day. This is UChicago.

3 years ago

This is simply a question that must be answered by yourself (I say this respectfully).

Considering that UChicago is a rather competitive institution, I suggest devoting a sufficient amount of time into answering ALL the available prompts that apply to you, even the optional ones. Hence, essays should optimally be drafted and edited continuously over a period of weeks, maybe even one to two months. To draft and finalize all supplement essays in day, honestly, will not be your most outstanding work and therefore may fall into an average categorization. To better your applicant chances, I advise at least a week or so of preparing the final version of what you want to submit to be competitive.

Again, this is not to say that an essay, or essays, have to be submitted with much time and effort behind them, but it is optimally better for you to do so. You may even submit them in a day and be fine, but I mean to stress that the chances are not likely. But again, only you know yourself and your capabilities well enough to answer that question better than I can.

Good luck!

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