3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will Applying With A Major I Probably Won't Continue Be Better Than Applying Undecided?


I am currently a Sophomore who has tried many activities in various subjects, but have not found a career path I am particularly passionate about. People always tell me I will find what I like eventually, but lets say this does not come in time for college. Computer science is something I am interested in but not sure if I'll love it long-term.

Instead of applying as an undecided major, should I just put computer science? Would this increase my chances of acceptance or decrease them? Since computer science is so competitive, even if I don't get the major, could I still get into the college just with a different major? Not sure how the application works.

Thank you!


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2 answers

3 years ago

The best major to choose would be the one that matches your current profile the best. Think about your extracurriculars, your classes, and your dreams to make the world a better place - what major do they all point to? If your profile shows an interest in computer science the most, for example, then apply with that as your major. If 2-3 interests come through from your experiences, look into double major and minor/certificate programs. If +3 interests shine in your profile, then it would be a good idea to apply with an undecided major while mentioning all your different interests in your essays. Showing that you have authentic intellectual interests and a plan to use them is the best way to increase your chances of acceptance. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

There is a chance you get into a different college if that's how university does admissions. You have lots of time to find a major that you like! Don't decide until you're actually needing to apply. If you don't find something in time, only do computer science if A- It's not a SUPER competitive major at the school you apply to (like for some schools, CS is easier to get into than others) B- You know you have good chances of getting into the comp sci school specifically. Comp sci is hard to get into for a lot of schools and this might mean you don't go to a college you want. I didn't know what I was going to apply for until the day I applied, and even now I'm still unsure. Look into the individual schools :) And even then maybe look into a two year college to get your basics!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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