2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do I Have A Spike Based On My Extracurriculars?


I am currently a sophomore in high school with an undecided career path, so I was wondering if anyone could identify a spike/possible major (if there is one) within my extracurriculars (most are completed but some are planned). Thank you!

1. Started environmental non-profit (sell art and donate 100% of profits to various environmental charities - $5-7k in donations)

2. Diversity and inclusion-related consulting internship (one year completing various smaller projects/studies in preparation to present a proposal advocating for equity and humanities curriculum change within my school district - our findings were brought to the superintendent)

3. Business analyst job position (in the same company that gave me consulting internship - 3 years of work experience by the time of applying to college)

4. Microsoft internship/shadowing experience (40 hours/week for four weeks during the summer, was paid a salary)

5. Club co-founder + president in my school (started a club that focuses on mental health, incorporating study habits, and coping with COVID) - 3.5 years

6. Girls who code member - 2 years

7. Finance club member - 3 years

8. University summer program in oxford

9. Art club member - won various awards in National Scholastic Art & Writing competition (gold medal, two silver keys, two gold keys) - 3 years

Note: I'm very interested in environmental awareness and art but not sure if it is reflected in my extracurriculars


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Goodness gracious! And you're only a sophomore??? Before I answer your question, you have gone above in beyond in so many different areas; your work in environmental awareness, diversity, and inclusion is very impressive!

Based on your extracurriculars, I would say that your two "spikes" would be advocacy and art. Your work in coding and at Microsoft is also impressive, but I'm seeing the most interest and success in the areas I mentioned. As a senior who is applying to colleges right now, my advice would be to hit hard on your interests in environmental awareness and art in your essays if you are truly concerned about admissions officers not getting your passion. In doing this, you show them what you love!

Thanks for sharing your achievements, and best of luck!

2 years ago

I would say that your spike - what ties all of your (exceptional!) extracurriculars together - is your passion for advocacy. Throughout the majority of your experiences, you explained the importance of a variety of issues and related them to action items. Advocacy skills are crucial for many career paths, especially tracks that would begin with these following majors I can think of: political science, marketing, education, and social justice. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

This is incredible! Congrats on all these accomplishments! Your extracurriculars are well-rounded and all amazing, but personally I do not see a "spike". But a few surround art and most surround helping others, so possibly a major in art, maybe art education? Or even something like social work, or environmental science/studies and find a way to combine this passions. You also have some microsoft/tech activities, maybe that could be combined with your passion for the environment or art. (Like a social media account showing your art to bring awareness to the environment?)

You still have plenty of time to explore! I am a senior in high school and am so lost as to what I want to study and do for work, but I know it will work out for both of us! Best of luck and congrats!!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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