2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is this essay topic too religious?

So I’m about to write the supplement for my safety school and the prompt is about how a specific community service I’ve done has changed my view on a social issue. Since I’m a Christian homeschooler, all of my community outreach has been Christian affiliated. The best topic that comes to mind is a mission trip I took in the summer before 6th grade where u had to spread the gospel and no one accepted Christ. At the time I was sad about it but not I realize people not choosing Christ isn’t something to be sad about.

TL;DR is writing an essay about how me realizing that not converting people to Christianity tacky or no? I’m in no way a Bible thumper or trying to promote that.

@caroljeanturybury2 years ago

Writing an essay on this topic is pretty risky. Since everybody has their point of view about religion, someone might not like your essay because he finds it conflicting. Moreover, I will not suggest you write the essay without consulting a priest or at least someone who is a specialist in spirituality. I can leave the link to a church I often attend. Here it is https://firstchurchlove.com. Maybe try speaking with a priest of ours. You might find the answer to your question.

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4 answers

2 years ago[edited]

I would avoid writing a main essay about Witnessing Jesus to people unless you have a remarkable take away from the experience that has forged your essence of being who you are today. And this lesson learned or epiphany you have experienced can be written in a neutral tone that has wide appeal to whomever reads the essay.

The person reading your essay, (unless of course you are applying to Christian Colleges), may themselves be a Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, Atheist, Agnostic, or some other religion or spiritual believer. You do not control your audience unless you are only intending to apply to Christian schools that align with your current faith.

As you know there are many kinds of Christians as well who do not do these things as part of their walk in Christ. If you are Eastern Orthodox, you would not be involved in Mission Trips or preaching about Jesus whatsoever. Such Christian followers have a completely different idea what fellowship means that is deep rooted in their 2000 year history (as in the Greek Orthodox church). For them being Christian is closely tied to their cultural heritage as well. Take for instance the Catholic church in Italy or Spain or the Russian Orthodox church in Russia. In some countries you are simply born into your religion and your participation follows various rites of passage that everyone has to do like Baptism, or 1st communion. American derivative Christian faiths are relatively new compared to these ancient denominations so they have less to do with ones personal commitment and relationship with Jesus and more about being a member of society, your country, state, community and family.

Good luck on your decision. Make sure if you write about your 6th grade trip, you put it through the Essay Review so you can get other points of view feedback on your piece.

2 years ago

In general, it is a risky topic. Especially if the climax is that you were sad about people having another religion. In the case you do it just be sure to not include a thought of why x's religion is the best or worst. Do not give any comment towards any religion.

2 years ago

Given your stance I think the problem wouldn't be as much the topic but rather how long ago it was. Normally college counselors will say the more recent the better because that gives them a better picture of who you are today. However, if you can write about how that experience was the starting point for your change of views and can find a way to connect it to something you do now that would work, or something similar.

Another thing is the colleges religious affiliation. If the school is known for being very religious that may be a turn off for them. Overall I don't think it would be a bad topic as I would assume it's common for religious people to end up with more community service that involves their church or is church run. Just try to connect it to now and how that experience still influences your views today. Good luck, I hope that helped you some what.

2 years ago

Hi. No, your topic is not overly religious. You're writing about yourself, and you have to remember that. I think your essay topic is perfect. It's unique, it's strong, it answers the prompt, and most importantly, it shows who you are. Good luck with admissions!

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