2 years ago
Admissions Advice


As an International student ( Indian) , in our country we don't have the exams like SAT and ACT , it is something westerner . In our country we have the admission Exams like JEE , NEET , CET , GATE etc which is given by more than 2 millions of student . So I don't know much of the exams which should I take to get in the ivy league . Please tell the the exams and competitions which should I take . As far as I know There are SAT , ACT , AP math 2 , math 1, AP physics , SAT subject test .

please tell me the exams which I missed and tell me something about there details apart form that


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

All Ivy League universities accept the SAT or ACT standardized tests. You can study for them in India and take them at various test centers in India. Although these colleges are Test-Optional for admissions, most successful International students submit one or the other.

The target scores you want to achieve are a 99% percentile score for either of them. That would be a 1520-1600 for the SAT or 34-36 score for the ACT.

Attached are the links to the portals for these tests. You will be able to learn more about them there and find Indian test centers.



SAT tests are given year around with the most common tests dates in March, May, June, August, October, November, December. ACT test dates are Feb, April, June, July, Sept, Oct, Dec.

Most College Applications are due either 1/1 or 1/15 of the calendar year so the last test dates you can take the SAT or ACT are Dec dates prior to applying.

AP tests are individual subject tests in advance coursework similar to college level classes. There are about 100 Private schools in India that offer APs as part of their core curriculum. If you are unable to take the courses themselves, you can either take them online at various online high schools or MOOCs like eDx.org. The other option is to self study for them however you will have to purchase all the study materials for the coursework yourself. APs are used to judge an applicants course rigor. So typically a Ivy League admit may have complete 8-12 APs in High School or alternatively earned an IB Diploma which is another form of advance course work. Taking the AP tests themselves are not a substitute for the courses themselves and will not carry the same weight as taking both the AP class and the AP test. There is no such thing as AP math 2 or AP math 1. The only AP Math tests available are AP Calculus A/B, AP Calculus B/C, AP Statistics. There are 4 different AP Physics tests, AP Physics I, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C- Electricity and Magnetism, and AP Physics C- Mechanics.

AP tests are only give once a year during the 1st and 2nd week or MAY, so depending on how much time you have until you apply to college, will impact whether you can sit for APs for 1 calendar year or 2.

SAT Subject Tests are no longer being administered by CollegeBoard so that is a thing of the past with regards to standardized testing.

None of your Indian standardized tests will be evaluated when you apply to American colleges.

Each Ivy has different English Proficiency expectations. Some Ivys prefer you submit either a TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge or Duo Lingo exam result as part of your application. In some cases a 700 EBRW SAT score will satisfy the English proficiency requirement. Some Ivys have waived this requirement altogether but nevertheless, your ability to write well, especially expository essays will greatly impact your college admissions success or failure.

Hope this is helpful not only to you but all the other 9th, 10th, and 11th international students looking to learn what the Standardized US tests are.

Good luck.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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