2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I figure out total cost for out of state university's with scholarships and financial aid?

I'm a junior in high school wanting to complete my minor instate but later for my major out of state. I want to major in clinical psychology and don't really know how to figure out college stuff. since I am the only one in my family who is doing out of state while my brother is in community college in the state. my parents being immigrants also doesn't help since they don't know much about the American college system. I'm planning on looking for many scholarships since they are not planning on paying for my college out of state but only in. I don't know much about how out-of-state college works or even college in general. Just want to know where to start and understand a bit more on what I need to do for things like college AP, financial aid with the schools, as well as some other things. Any advice would be great, thanks.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

If you are low income and a top student, then I recommend that you apply to Posse or Questbridge who will help you gain access to the best 50 colleges in the US for a full ride scholarship. This year about 1700 students were matched with full ride 4 year scholarships to schools like Stanford and Yale.

If you are not a top student then I highly recommend that you remain in state since out of state public college are very expensive. Where I live in Oregon, state tuition at Oregon State is like 11858 but out of state is 31467 or 3X times the cost. If if some of my friends want to go to University of Washington or UCLA, the cost would be $39000-$43000 almost 4X times more than remaining instate.

As a low income, first gen student, you can qualify for Federal grants and State grants and many loan options but they do not transfer from State to State. You only get a good deal if you stay put where your family lives. It's actually less expensive to apply to a Private College out of state and apply for institutional grants based on your low income, first gen status than trying to attend an out of state public college.

The best path for you is to get the best grades and test scores and ECs possible before you apply to college. Then you can qualify to apply to better schools. Unfortunately only better college have the best financial aid for low income first gen students. It is very hard to qualify for merit based scholarships if you are not a top student.

In additional to Questbridge and Posse. You can start looking at other major scholarship programs that favor Low income first gen students.

-Coca Cola Scholarship

-Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

-Horatio Alger Foundation

-Hamilton Scholars Network

-Gates Scholarship

These are the biggest and best ones for low income first gen besides Questbridge.


Good luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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