3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are my grades too bad? Please be Honest.

So I am a junior in High School and I am stressing out bcause I am finishing one of my classes with a B this semester. It is my first B. I have always got an A and A- in all my honors classes in 9 and 10th grade. But, this year I decided to take my first APs and took 3 this semester along with 2 honors classes. I have gotten an A in the other 4 classes but got a B in AP Lang and Composition. The teacher was very strict and I was alway lingering at an 88%. But, my school doesnt report percentages , just the letter grade. Is this bad?? I only have 4 extracurricular activities that I did for 2+ years and did well in them by earning awards and making massive progress. Would this offset this?


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6 answers

3 years ago

AP English Lang and Comp is one of the hardest APs you can take and honestly and 88% is a good grade. No ECs are going to offset that because ECs are not considered the same things as Course Rigor and Grades. They are different categories altogether.

My advice to you is try to improve it to and A and work hard to get a 5 on the AP exam because that will look like an upward trend. The 5 will show colleges you have mastered the material.

Next year take AP English Lit and Comp, it's also a hard class but it shows that you understand expository writing which is very important.

Good luck.

3 years ago


Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about your grade in that one particular class. Not only is the class difficult just based on its specific curriculum but (since it is an AP), you can afford to not get an A. I’m not sure what colleges you are looking into, but I think this would apply to even top tier universities.

As for your extracurriculars, I strongly believe in ‘quality over quantity.’ While four extracurriculars may not seem like a lot, if you excel in them, I wouldn’t worry!

If you really want to improve your grade, maybe you could ask your teacher for any opportunities for extra credit? I’m not sure if your school allows this, but a quick email to your teacher would never hurt. However, if you are comfortable enough to ask them in person, that may be the better option as you would appear more committed to the class and in need of some bonus points.

Hope this helped! :)

3 years ago

You will be fine! It seems like you have a great history with the rest of your courses no need to worry! I really don't think the B will offset you at all! And colleges will also probably take into account the fact it was a harder class. Good luck with admissions:)

3 years ago

It is waayy more valuable to have a B on a rigorous course than an A in a "normal" course. DO NOT worry keep up the work and good luck.

3 years ago

You're taking challenging courses so one B is not bad at all. Who knows by the end of the year it may even go up to an A who knows. 4 extracurriculars, if you are heavily involved in them is great and earning awards/massive progress shows that. I do not think you would need anything to offset one B. One B is not a big deal at all, it shows you are challenged with these more challenging courses. Literally your grades are perfect, and your extracurriculars sound amazing as well. I know it's hard, but try not to stress! :)

3 years ago

We're in the same boat! I'm taking my first AP this year and as a result, I got my first B average grade. Extracurriculars won't offset it, because they really aren't equal in terms of the type of work you're doing. But, in regards to your question, no, that one B won't destroy your chances. My best advice is to try to gradually improve your average grade over the next quarter/trimester/semester (depends on how your school does things) so that by the end of the year you are closer to an A. Colleges love to see growth, so even a 2-3 point improvement will be good. Best of luck!

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