3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit my ACT in a test optional world?

Applied to UChicago without submitting my ACT score because it’s a 32. However, I’ve been reading that this year, even though it’s test optional, it may hurt more than help to not submit a score; they may assume it’s really bad when it’s actually just okay. I have a 4.0 GPA unweighted and a lot of great ECs and took 11 APs/IBs, so this is just a really tough decision to make. Any input that could be of use? My regional admissions officer said it’s fine if I email my score; there’s still time to switch it.

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4 answers

3 years ago[edited]

Applying to UChicago is different than applying to other Elite colleges because they have been test optional since at least 2018 much earlier than all the other elite schools. Therefore, they are used to evaluating files without test scores.

Whenever a school is test optional there is a side effect of test inflation. In the case of UChicago pre test optional their ACTscores were 32-34 but after, they bumped up to 33-35, and that's because only those with very good scores typically submit. I think the same thing happened to SAT scores. They were 1460- 1540 and now they are 1510-1560.

Last cycle the ACT mid was 34 and the range was 33-35 so I don't think submitting a borderline ACT score really does anything for you. I don't think a 32 brings you any advantage whatsoever.

Again, if you want to submit then you should do so. I don't know what your composite breakdown is but if your English and Writing are like 35-36s and your Math and Science are like 30-31 that looks better than a straight across 32. UChicago likes HS students that can write well and use their voice.

Good luck.

3 years ago

I recommend not submitting your score. The main advantage of submitting a decent, but not top-tier score would be to make up for an unweighted GPA on the lower side. Since your GPA is 4.0 and your course load is rigorous, UChicago will see ample evidence of your academic ability already. Hope that helps!

3 years ago

It isn't the fact that it hurts negatively your chances, it is just that you miss an opportunity to boost your chances. I think if your classes and extracurriculars are good and your score is not in the 25th percentile or above do not send them. It is better to have the benefit of the doubt with your other solid factors.

3 years ago

You should use the collegevine chancing or ask admissions officers. If your score helps you/falls within their range send it if not no.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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