3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Enquiry about recommendation letters

When uploading a recommendation letter to common app. Are the recommenders supposed to make recommendations specific to the potential university or what? Can I send the same recommendation letter to all the schools that I’m applying to?


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3 answers

3 years ago

You can request the same recommenders submit their recommendations to the all of the same schools you are applying to or you can pick and choose which ones. The caveat is that some schools have different recommender policies so you have to keep that in mind. The standard policy is 2 teachers and 1 HS counselor.

However, some STEM oriented colleges want you to have 1 STEM teacher and 1 Humanities teacher plus HS Counselor. And other colleges have other recommenders like Dartmouth has something called a Peer Recommendation which is from someone you consider a peer like a friend, classmate or perhaps a student 1 or 2 years ahead of you.

Otherwise, your teachers are going to have to custom tailor each recommendation to each school which is not the intent of the Common App or Coalition App.

The instructions on the both portals are very clear so you should just follow them and you'll have no issues.

Good luck.

3 years ago

It depends! The person you had write your letter may need to submit it to each school individually, but in a lot of cases they can use the same letter.

When you approach them about writing the letter of recommendation, you should try and specify that you’re looking for a letter that could be submitted to multiple schools. You could also request that they add a small amount of school information and change it for the different letters.

Best of luck!

3 years ago

I'm pretty sure you should be able to send the same recommendation letters. It would be a big hassle for teachers to write a new essay for a couple of different colleges (depending on how many you want to go to).

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