2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculars for Math?

My goal career is a Biostatistician. I live in The Caribbean but I want to go to University in the US. Due to Covid my school hasn’t opened up clubs. I’m in 9th grade(14yrs old).

Any online clubs or Summer programs would be great. As well as something that would help me get into university.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

It's awesome that you have a career goal. Do anything related to biostatistics. Absolutely anything. Take advantage what is at your school and know you are not limited to what is offered at your school. Biostatistics uses programming skills so a neat thing to do is learn Python, and then R or SAS. There are online courses and YouTube videos that can teach you. Take as many biology and chemistry and other hard science courses as you would like in high school. Another neat thing to do is look for biostatistics internships online (like on LinkedIn) and look at the job description's needed skills and knowledge and then learn those things. You may even be able to get an internship sometime in high school if you learn enough (which would be a huge deal). Don't forget to have fun and if you end up not liking biostatistics as much as you thought, that is ok. Do what whatever you are interested in or curious about and you'll go really far, in college applications and in your career. Good luck!

2 years ago

You can take math competitions such as AMC if they are offered in your area. If you do good on AMC you can qualify for the higher-level competitions which look good on college applications. You can learn more about it here: https://artofproblemsolving.com/contests/amc

A summer program you can check out is AwesomeMath which is also centered around competition math and will help you improve your skills. Also if you just search "Summer Math Programs for Highschoolers" you'll get a lot of good hits. Some highly reputed colleges with good programs are Berekely, Harvard, and MIT but there are obviously a lot more. But make sure you check these out soon because the applications for all these programs are usually due in early February or March.

2 years ago

Hello! I run an online math community to get more people involved in competition math called BMC Prep!! Here is our website... www.bmcprep.com (NOTE: not advertisement, I'm offering some free resources!)

Email this email: math.bmcprep@gmail.com and with some details about your grade, favorite topics, and competition experience. I can get you started with some resource and tips to get involved in the competition math space.

Competition math helps with almost every single class and is great for problem solving, and a phenomenal math extracurricular!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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