2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurriculars can I do to improve my chances?

Hello! I’m a junior who was set on being a veterinarian for about 10 years. Recent circumstances changed my goal to a RNA(more likely) or an anesthesiologist, since I took chemistry and had been enamored by it (Biochem, specifically).

I had done volunteer work at my local shelter for about 380 hours, but since I changed my goal, I’m not sure how to cater my extracurriculars. I tried reaching out for shadowing and volunteer opportunities near me in private facilities, but most declined due to COVID. Is there anything I can do to experience a similar environment and increase my chances of being accepted to programs/colleges?

Thank you!!

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1 answer

2 years ago[edited]

Hi! You can apply to summer research programs such as RSI which are highly competitive but look good on college applications if you get in. You could also take biochem classes at a nearby community college or AP Chem and Bio at school. This will show programs and colleges you are taking classes that align with your interests. You can also try reaching out to professors at nearby universities to do an internship with them or just shadow them to learn more about biochem. You can also volunteer at nearby hospitals. They are always looking for volunteers but I'm not sure if this is possible (or safe) during COVID. I hope this helps!

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SAT: 720 math
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