4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is ap important as I an international student where high school don't take ap classes?

My schools dont teach ap so shall I take it? Also how many ap woould you recommend if the if you affirm with the first question?

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3 answers

4 years ago

APs show colleges you have taken high rigor classes. If they are not available at your school, just try to take the high-rigor classes that are interesting and also challenge you. Doing that would show colleges you are challenging yourself and that's what AP classes show them as well.

4 years ago

Honestly, for admissions purposes AP test scores are next to useless and as long as you challenged yourself academically with honors etcetera. I believe you would be able to take the tests if you so wished as they give college credit lowering costs. And colleges evaluate rigor in regards to your opportunities so that is fine. If you do take tests Id recommend the subjects in your area

I love history so I am taking all of the US History and World History despite wanting to be an engineer but it depends on what you are interested in. Though Id recommend you take as many APs as you feel comfortable with for me that's 3-4.

4 years ago

Not taking the AP will not put you at a disadvantage, however if u do take them, you will earn credits. This means that at college, you will not have to attend the introductory classes and your tuition fees might also become less, since you're not taking as many courses. It is perfectly fine if you don't take the AP's and do the examinations that your country offers. If that is the case, then colleges will compare your score to other people from your country, who took the same exams. That being said, if u decide to take AP's and self-study the syllabus, it would show colleges that you are capable of taking advanced classes and have good dedication to your academics. I would recommend not taking any more than 4 subjects, with one subject being in line with want you want to major in. I would suggest you focus more on the local examinations that your country offers and on the standardised tests (SAT, ACT and SAT Subject Tests). If you have extra time, or if you are willing to put extra effort, then you can take the APs too

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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