3 years ago
Admissions Advice


If I had two B's during my first semester as a freshman and all A's taking ap and honors courses my next three years, but I had skipped 8th grade during a pandemic how are my chances of getting into an Ivy League affected. I do extracurriculars am a student pilot and am very actively volunteering. TIA

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I was in somewhat of the same situation that you are in right now. Actually worse, technically: I had one B and one C in freshman year. However, like you plan to do, I took all APs and Honors offered with all A's after those two unfortunate letter grades. Also, you mentioned your extracurriculars. Those things are great, don't get me wrong, but make sure your extracurriculars continue to be relatively outstanding and will show a serious upward trend in other participations and leaderships, especially if you are aiming for the Ivies. Although, your ECs should be "spiking" towards something, possibly pertaining to your anticipated major. These are pretty obvious, but make sure your standardized testing (SAT/ACT/NMSQT) scores are pretty good, that you receive some good letters of recommendation, and that you write a decent essay. Because of my good standings in those things — even because of that B and C — I received so much college mail, including from Ivies, that the mailman had to put some of the application invitations around my full mailbox. That is considerably more than achievable for you, given that your current standings were better than mine. When you do achieve those aforementioned things, you'll be good. Good luck and don't worry too much.

3 years ago

Colleges don’t look at middle school progress! But, it is a good thing to add that you skipped a grade. :) you will FOR SURE get accepted into an Ivy League school if you continue this progress.

3 years ago

It's fine to get two B's your freshman year, assuming you are taking a significant amount of challenging classes. I would focus on continuing your current extracurriculars, and maybe starting a few new ones related to your major.

3 years ago

I honestly don't think it's a big deal even more because it was in your freshman year.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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