2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculars is High School for a Health Related Major


I am a freshman in high school and want to go into a health related Major in college for the Pre-Med track. I was wondering if there were any suggestions on what extracurriculars I should do in High School to help my chances of getting accepted to colleges with these majors? Thanks!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Start or join the Red-Cross club and register with them. You can rise to high levels in the Red Cross youth community and get awards and region-wide leadership positions that will look phenomenal on applications. Another club you could start is a Pre-Med club and brainstorm activities, like scheduling someone in the medical field to talk to you guys. Colleges love to see clubs that you initiate and maintain all four years, and they love to see how these clubs grow. Reach out to college professors who do labs and ask if they need an assistant over the summer or if there are any research opportunities. Dual enrollment is also a good choice, either during the school year or over the summer. A lot of colleges have summer programs as well that you could research. Look to Reddit as well as there are many more ideas on there. Oh and volunteer at a hospital if you have time.

2 years ago

Like it's been mentioned, joining health-related clubs such as HOSA is good. But, you could also volunteer at hospitals. I don't know if you'd want to do this, but seeing if you could shadow a local doctor could also look well, and to go about that, I would simply just email a few doctors and see if that would be something they'd be able and/or willing to do. Or if you'd like to do more research, science-y things, then you could try getting in contact with researchers and seeing if you could assist them, or possibly observe them.

2 years ago

I am also interested in a health-related major!

Currently, for me, I joined the Future HOSA Medical Club and Red Cross Club to learn about medicine or the health-related field.

Also, you can join the Medical Explorer Program, where you can "shadow" a certain medical profession that you want. For me, they used to allow high school students to shadow a pharmacist or surgeon. Since it is during COVID times, we are only meeting online and learning about certain medical professions.

2 years ago

If you have a HOSA at your school or a principles in health class those are great ways to get started!

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