2 years ago
Admissions Advice

what if i got less scores in my 11th and 12th grade, but i have scored well in my ACTs and TOEFL exam ?

would that get me into stanford ??

I'm from cbse board - INDIA

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@BorisS2 years ago

A "B" in math will not stop you from getting into Stanford assuming everything else is stellar.

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3 answers

2 years ago

Hi @zoee!

I'd need some more info as to what your grades actually are — what are they "less" than, and by how much?

You mentioned in a reply that you're specifically worried about a B you got in math. If it's just one (or two) Bs on your transcript, and you aren't majoring in something math-related, then I think you're fine for most schools. I'd wager that you're also probably good for Stanford, but I'd need more info about what type of classes you're taking (are these the most rigorous courses available at your school?) to give a fuller answer.

Hope that helps!

2 years ago

Define "less" please. Stanford is the Ivy of the West.

2 years ago

If you had terrible grades in both years in 11th and 12th then that would impact your chances a lot, even if you have a high ACT score. However, if your grades are still subpar, meaning you are still doing okayish like maintaining an A- average and getting some Bs.

If you did well in the ACT and TOEFL like around a 36 in ACT then that would show to AOs that you still have a high capability of doing good at their school. If you also have a strong background in other parts of the application then you may have a great chance of getting into Stanford.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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