2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do colleges see AICE classes in comparison to AP/IB

I'm currently a junior in a Florida high school and will be fulfilling the requirements for an AICE diploma this year. I will have taken 7 AICE classes by the end of this year, and I was wondering how colleges see this. My school weighs them equally to AP classes, and I know that Florida schools accept them as equal, but what about Ivies and other schools outside of Florida (and I think Alabama as well, to some extent at least) where AICE classes are prevalent.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Over 500 top colleges including IVYs, Elites and Top Liberal Arts colleges all recognize the Cambridge system as a very rigorous HS program. Whether you get full value credit, advanced placement or nothing, depends on the college you are applying to and their AICE policy.

I'm enclosing a link to 512 top colleges and how they evaluate AICE credits during the college admissions process. Some just give you credit for As, or just As and Bs, or some As, Bs, Cs, and other have different criteria like whether a similar course is part of their undergraduate catalog so you can get credit for it.

Good luck.


2 years ago[edited]

All the Ivy League schools are awarding credit to some degree if the AICE exam scores are high enough. That speaks volumes as to how they view the quality of the exams. As far as admissions go the common thinking is to take the most rigorous option available. There is some disagreement on whether or not AICE is in fact the most rigorous option but there might be some data that shows AICE students having more success in college than AP and IB.

Duval County Public School is stating on their website: " A study done by the Director of Admissions found that AICE program graduates attending the University of Florida had an average end-of-freshman year GPA of 3.46, whereas students coming from other acceleration mechanisms such as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) had an average GPA of 3.12 and 3.10 respectively."

Palm Beach Gardens High School site said the same thing and added: "A similar study conducted at University of Virginia found the same results."

I looked for those studies and didn't find either of them. I'm sure there is data about the success rates of AICE vs IB vs AP, but I don't know where to find it.

The one study that I did locate was posted on Cambridge's website, admittedly not the most unbiased source, but it would be foolhardy to post something false on their website so I took that one at face value.


BTW, my kid is in the same boat. Junior in AICE dreaming about Yale/Harvard/Georgetown. Might wind up at UF or FSU, but may as well try for it and have them say no rather than not try at all.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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