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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Majors for Pre-Med


I'm a freshman in high school and love planning for my future! My hope is to go to college on the Pre-Med track, and then Med School! I was wondering what major is recommended for pre-med. I've seen that Biology is the big one but I was wondering if any other ones are recommended? I know that most Med-School applicants major in Biology but as I've learned on CollegeVine Med-Schools are looking at other applicants who aren't Biology majors because they are unique. Any suggestions? Thanks!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey Sana16!

So, as you probably already know, in order to study medicine in the USA you need to have an “Undergraduate Degree” in the field of sciences. For instance, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, psychology, earth sciences, math, etc. So, my tip is: it does not matter if Biology is the most common major or not. If studying Biology is what makes you happy; if it is your passion, you should major in Bio. On the other hand, if your passion is, for instance, Chemistry, just major on chemistry. Don’t do this type of things because they might look nice in your curriculum, do them because your hearth, soul, and mind tell you to do so. In other words, study what makes you happy; what you were meant to study in the first place. This are big life-changing decisions; therefore, I suggest that you do not spend the rest 4 years of your life studying a major that you do not fully enjoy.

Here are some links that might help you out:

3 years ago

Once you are in a college/university you can be in honestly any major, but you can be considered in the pre-med track. Meaning you're taking the required classes you need to take in order to be eligible to apply for medical school. You don't have to graduate with an undergraduate degree that is in the field of sciences. So for example you could be an economics or business major but also on the pre-med track. So you'll graduate with a degree in economics/business, but you will have done the required classes for med school throughout your 4 years of undergraduate. A lot of universities try to help guide their students, to make sure they're on track with everything leading up to medical school. Basically, the point is that you are not limited to just science majors(biology, chemistry, etc..). Hope that helps!

3 years ago

To get into med you need to have an undergrad degree in a type of science, if majoring in biology feels right, then do it!

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