2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can colleges see your middle school grades?

Can colleges see your middle school grades (6-8th)? I know they mostly look at 9-12th but can they see it? :)

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

If your HS transcript includes advanced or honors classes that count toward fulfilling your HS graduation and these classes were take in 7th or 8th grade, then the college will see them. These classes might be something like Alegbra I, Geometry, or a language course like Spanish I, II,etc.

However, if the college like Stanford, redacted your pre-10th grade HS coursework and GPA for the most part, and re-calcs your Stanford gpa on 10th or 11th grades, then they may see them but not count them.

For the most part, even though everyone will see them if they are reported on your transcript, it doesn't mean they will evaluate your college admissions based on anything you did in middle school.

The best way for your to figure you what they see or not, is to ask your HS counselor to show you what they are going to send to the colleges by requesting an "official HS transcript" and having them email or print out a copy for you.

Good luck

2 years ago

I don't think that college's really care about middle school so focus on high school. In addition, I don't think they would really care even if they could see. Middle school simply isn't as competitive as high school so college's aren't concerned. Good luck!

2 years ago

It depends. Did you take classes in middle school that gave you high school credit? My school, for example, allowed me to take high school algebra, geometry, and foreign language classes, so the grades from these classes show up on my transcript. If you didn't take any high school classes in middle school, then the answer is no, colleges won't see these grades, unless your school specifically chooses to include your middle school grades on the official high school transcript, but I can't imagine why they would do that.

TL;DR - Colleges look at your grades that show up on your high school transcript, which counts all high school credit classes.

2 years ago

No, they technically can't see your middle school grades. They can only see the grades you achieved in high school. If you did happen to take some high school classes in middle school, they will show up as credit or no credit on you transcript based on whether you passed or not. Other than that, they will not see anything other than what you submit.

2 years ago

Hello! Colleges do not look at your middle school grades, or take that as a factor in your admissions decision. As far as I know, they can’t even see middle school grades. They only look at courses that are on your high school transcript!

2 years ago

no, they can't see your middle school grades.

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