3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I am transferring after Sophomore year from a school that offered no AP or IB, how will that show up on applications?

Currently, I am a Sophomore at a school which offers 1 AP class for my grade: AP Spanish Language and Culture. I am, moreover, taking class, but I am transferring the coming year. The thing here is that the new school has most - if not all - AP courses and the full IB program, and I plan to take as many as advanced courses as I can. Given this, my question is about how this will transfer onto applications. Since I wasn’t given these opportunities at the beginning, but will likely be graduating elsewhere, will that impact me? If so, how so, or what can I do about it?

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1 answer

3 years ago

Hi! As someone else said, you can make note that for your first two years of high school there was only one AP class offered and you took it. The school you are transferring to will send a school profile to your colleges when you apply so they will know how many APs were offered at the school you graduate from.

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