3 years ago
Admissions Advice

In the tier ranking/list, for the Tier 2 ranking for Writing, what is considered a 2nd tier publication?

Basically just the question above

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1 answer

3 years ago[edited]

Hi there and thanks for your question!

I would consider the scope of your written work when deciding how to tier it.

Something that has national acclaim and/or a well-known publisher, good sales, etc. would be Tier 1.

Being editor-in-chief of your school newspaper and writing articles for it periodically would be Tier 3.

So, there's a lot of room for what Tier 2 could be. Maybe you write and publish a book and it doesn't sell over a hundred copies - that's still really impressive for a high schooler - so in my eyes, it's still Tier 2.

More than evaluating yourself within the Tier system to determine how to proceed, I would suggest you think through how you could expand the scope of your publication and then do whatever feels most meaningful to you. This could be anything from increasing the number of platforms you're publishing on, to increasing your audience, or even just publishing more content or developing a content niche. Anything you put your mind to and work towards with a growth mindset will increase your extracurricular's notability in admissions officer's eyes - there isn't a set formula or concrete tiers that you will fall into. The most important thing is that you are genuinely expanding your passion for writing over time.

Hope this helps and best of luck!

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