4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Business Extracurriculars

I am going to be a junior this fall and I hope to study business at a selective school like Wharton or NYU. What are some business extracurriculars I should do to improve my chances in getting into one of these schools? Thanks for the help!

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4 answers

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4 years ago

If you can get a job even at Tacobell Wendy’s etc and you get promoted after 6 months that is really good as it shows leadership and commitment. You could also intern at a company through a city wide organization or through family ties. A buisness blog could also be impressive depends on what you blog about. Though ivy + schools (mit Vandy Stanford rice etc) just don’t want only buisness ECs for reference look on YouTube for the video

Erinn Andrews former Stanford admissions case study #6

Also if you just want to attend a really good buisness school Indinia U has a top 20 school UNC Michigan UT Austin and Virgina all of top 25 buisness schools and these can be easier to get into and might be cheaper

4 years ago

I love DECA for business. I'm actually going into engineering, but I joined DECA on a whim and it's been incredible. Through DECA, focus on State-level leadership, and you can use your projects to connect with real businesses in your area and work on entrepreneurship projects. It really helps streamline your efforts and connect you with experienced mentors and a competition colleges are familiar with.

4 years ago

I am interested in business as well! Two major business student organizations are DECA and the Future Business Leaders of America. I personally am more involved in DECA, which is focused around marketing. Both of these organizations are helpful because they allow you to compete in different competitions which, with good results, offer an automatic boost in your college applications. If these clubs are available at your school, I recommend that you join them. If they are not available, you should start it at your school! Founding a club looks really good on your college applications as well. Hope that helps!

4 years ago

I reccomend starting a business. I know that sounds crazy but even if you can get something really small going then it can look really good on an application. If thats not possible, try getting an internship at a business near you. Another thing I did to see what would be worth my time is to go to the college vine extra curricular section and look at the different tiers, that can tell you what is some of the most impressive things to colleges. Hope this helps!

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