3 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP Environmental Science or AP Statistics?

I am currently in 10th grade and am looking at developing my schedule for 11th. My school is offering AP Statistics and AP Environmental next year and I am trying to determine which one will be best on my schedule for college applications. Many of the universities I am looking at don't accept AP Stat and I am already planning on taking Calc BC, but I know that APES is seen as easy. Is this considered on college applications at all or is it only the number of AP classes that matters?

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@cami3 years ago

Since you are majoring in engineering I would suggest AP Stats, I took it as a junior and don't regret it since it's a heavier course load and would have been impossible with college apps. Colleges look at your course rigor even if they don't accept them for credits if you are accepted.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Thereta3 years ago

Thank you, that was one of the main "ifs" on my schedule for next year so that is very helpful information.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I am also developing my schedule for 11th grade and would definitely recommend taking classes that better fit your major. I took APES as a freshman and it was extremely easy so I think Stats would help you more; both in the college application process and in gaining experience with harder courses. AP Stats is definitely not an easy class, but I think if you can get a good score on the AP exam then it will benefit your application overall even if the colleges you're applying to don't accept the credit.

3 years ago

I'd agree, AP Stats seems like it would be a better fit for you. At my school AP Environmental is a double block period; I'm curious if yours is the same.....bc that might be something you'd take into consideration (if AP Stats is only one block you could fit in another potentially helpful class that APES would've taken away). I have also heard that APES is very easy, although I haven't taken it myself, but if rigor is what you're looking for, I think AP Stats would be the better option.

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