I will be a junior next year and am thinking about taking at least 3 APs. There are only certain AP classes offered, so is it worth it that I take AP computer science/econ online even if it is a pass/fail course on my transcript? I could also double up and take APES with AP chem or bio but I am not super interested in environmental science, but are really the only AP classes offered at my school.
This really depends on your interests. You will, most of the time, do better academically in a class you are really interested in. I know you are not interested in environmental science, but if you have some interest in chemistry or biology, I would recommend taking one (this would also look great on a transcript). I think APES is a good choice anyway due to it being considered an "easier" AP.
If you think you can handle online learning and enjoy computer science, I would also recommend taking that online.
Bottom line is that three AP classes as a junior is a pretty good amount so, whatever you think you can handle based on how well you did in your previous years, give it a try. It is much better to get a B in an AP than an A in an on-level course.
Hope this helped!
I would take as many APs as you feel that you can handle and that you are interested in. It all depends on what colleges you are applying to, but I think you should definitely take as many as you can or like from the amount offered at your school because colleges will look at the ratio of how many you took and how many were offered at your school. I don't know if this helps, but I hope you will find the answer you are looking for.
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I think it depends. Most college students take around 5 a semester, so if you are up for it you should do it! A lot cheaper than going to college. You could also do PSEO, that's another great option