4 years ago
Admissions Advice


Hi! I've taken the ACT twice before, but currently, I am enrolled in an SAT prep class. I know I have time before I have to take either of these tests, but I was wondering which one I should take? I personally feel more comfortable with the ACT, but only because I've taken it before. I'm also an average math student, I took Geometry this year, but math is definitely a weak point for me. It kinda sucks because I want to go into medicine, but I've been doing the most to focus in class and study efficiently. I am also aiming to get into fairly competitive schools such as Michigan and Johns Hopkins. Is there any advantage of taking one over the other? Do some schools take ACT scores into more consideration than SAT or vice versa? Thank you in advance for your tim

@spacewinner4 years ago

The SAT removed the point penalty for incorrect questions in 2016.

@srisha0058 months ago

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Students who submit their ACT scores instead of their SAT scores, or vice versa, have no advantage during the college admission process. Both exams are equally respected and which ever you choose to submit, will not effect your chances of getting in. In essence, the score itself matters, but not which test you take. Whatever test you take and score better on is the one you should submit. Regarding which one you should take, it is entirely up to you, but I HIGHLY suggest you take both, because you may naturally do better than in one, than other. For me personally, I got a 1440 on SAT, I was aiming for a 1500. It wasn't until this year did I start testing for ACT and I consistently scored a 35. Obviously the ACT is the score I will submit. If math is a weak point for you, as it was for me, I found the ACT Math content to be easier, but that is relative and again just depends on you.

4 years ago

All schools nowadays value the SAT and ACT the same there’s no preference. The difference is the SAT is 50% math, while the ACT is 25%. If you want to study medicine, you still have the science portion to support you in the ACT. If you have a weakness in math, I suggest studying for the ACT because it does not impact your score as much.

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

Based on what you've said about Math and from what I've experienced on both tests, I think the SAT may be a little bit better for you. My reason is that the ACT tends to suit people who can do math very quickly and accurately. If you feel like you take a while to work through problems, the SAT might be a better choice. The ACT math is easier, but I know people who have had to rush through it and missed more questions than on the SAT. Like the others said you should take both because you can be naturally better at one.

4 years ago

Hi there! Someone once told me that the SAT portions for English and math are weighed more evenly compared to those for the ACT. According to this person, they said that there is "more English and less math" on the ACT. Personally, I have never taken the ACT, so I can't really judge. However, it seems that you are already comfortable with the ACT and your weaker points are in math. So for you, based on this information, I would suggest you continue practicing for the ACT. (On top of taking your SAT prep class!) You don't know which test really fits in the end until you've taken both. Remember to work hard and also play hard! Good luck on your tests!

4 years ago

So the only difference between the 2 is how many questions you have per minute to answer but less questions/minute means a bit of a more in-depth question possibly with more steps.

ACT has less questions per minute and midwest schools usually go off the SAT translation to ACT score and the coasts convert ACT to SAT as a rule of thumb but one doesn’t boost your chances they don’t care if you take the sat or act.

I have heard that people score better on one than the other but the main difference is questions per minutes and the subjects test vary in styles.

If you score a 1570 SAT but get a 33 ACT the sat is better


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